
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So, this is the final full week before baby girl arrives!  I've been creating a to-do list to make sure I get all the last-minute things done.  None of them are necessary, but all of them would be helpful to have finished before I try and manage life with 3 kiddos!

Last weekend, we took a train ride to mark one thing off my list (do something memorable during our final weeks as a family of 4).  Lesley took some maternity photos a few weeks ago as well...though I hate how big my belly is, this is the last baby and wanted a few shots of the kids with "baby sister" in my belly.  We've also been hitting the pool a lot because taking 3 kids is going to be a lot harder and it's been so hot here that it's pretty much the only place I can stand being outside without swelling up like a balloon!

Here's the remainder of my list:

This Week:
-clean kids bathroom
-clean our bathroom
-clean 1/2 bath
-mop kitchen
-shampoo living room carpet
-re-organize kids closets
-organize garage
-organize/clean basement
-Finish gifts for the boys from baby sister
-Birth Announcements?

Next Week:
-change sheets on all beds
-clean & arrange carseats in van
-pack hospital bag
-touch up bathrooms and kitchen
-all laundry
-move chair/changing table to baby room
-setup pack-n-play in dining room
-Abby (our miniature schnauzer) - bath and haircut

Any other suggestions of fun/important/necessary things to accomplish in the next SEVEN days?!