
Friday, August 12, 2011

Whose children are those?!

To those who live close to our house, I am truly sorry.  You thought you lived in a safe neighborhood.  That is, until you found out that my child is the neighborhood "hooligan" that mothers warn their children not to go near.

In all fairness, my sons have been cooped up in the house way too much this summer.  You see, we had HOT weather (like most of the country) for a majority of the month of July.  So, this momma who was 9 months pregnant during most of the month, stayed inside for most of it.  Which means, my kids were stuck at home with me only going outside occasionally to the back yard to play.  Because there was no way I was going to step foot outside of the AC!

Now that Molly is 2 weeks old, we are starting to get out a little more.  But we have been cooped up for the majority of the last 2 weeks as well. So, that makes it almost 6 weeks since we have stepped foot out of the house other than an occasional play group or grocery store trip.

Anyway, back to my story.  On Tuesday evening after we ate dinner, I went upstairs to change.  I was getting ready to go to a Mom's Night Out with my MOMS Club!  An evening with other ladies, sitting around the pool, cooler weather, no 9-month pregnant belly....can you tell I was excited?!  So, I was getting changed and my husband was disposed at the moment (i.e. on the john) and the boys were playing with their bikes in the garage.  At least, so I thought.

Just as I was finishing getting ready, our doorbell rang.  I quickly rushed downstairs to get it, though I thought it might be Tyler and Ryan playing with the doorbell.  I opened the door, and there stood a lady that I didn't know.  I immediately was kicking myself because our "No Soliciting" sign had come off the door so we've gotten several sales people the last couple weeks, and I keep meaning to put another sign up.  But she wasn't selling anything.

Nope, she told me she found 2 boys playing in the road.  Not only playing in the road, but they were throwing rocks at cars as they passed.  They just so happened to "drill" the side of her car.  She wasn't mad...she said her car was a junker and she didn't care about that, but wanted to let me know that my children were up to.

Now, we live on a cul-de-sac.  But we are the house on the corner, so our side-yard is along the main road.  That is, it's the entrance to the sub division.  So there are a lot of cars.  And it was about 6pm, so there was a lot of traffic from people coming home from work.  Yep, those are MY kids that are in the middle of the road.  Throwing rocks at cars.  Seriously, what kind of parents do those kids have?!  They must take after their father.