
Friday, May 4, 2012

It's go time!

So, Goal #1 for the year was accomplished on March 30th when I finished the Bible in 90 Days reading program.  Part of Goal #2 will be accomplished tomorrow when I run the Flying Pig Marathon 10K course.

I have to was much more difficult this year than it was 2 years ago when I completed my first triathlon.  I'm not sure all the reasons, but one major reason was that now I have 3 kids instead of 2.  Not only does adding one more kid to the mix take a little more time, but it also makes it so they don't fit in the jogging stroller.  Which has made it logistically more difficult to get my runs in.  So, I'm not expecting a stellar time tomorrow.

But, today I went to the expo associated with the marathon and was blown away.  I've only competed in two 5k's, the annual walk for life for our local women's center (a 5 mile course, have only run twice but participated probably 10 times), and 2 triathlons.  That's it.  None of those events were big enough to have an expo, although the Shamrock Shuffle 5K that I did earlier this year had lots of vendors outside.  But this was huge.  I thought I would walk in there, grab my bib number and leave, but there were like 5 rows of vendors that you walked past on your way to get your t-shirt and poster.  I didn't have my camera because I totally wasn't expecting anything like it, but I really wish I had allotted more time to visit all the booths.  I'm so new to the running world and just have so much to learn.

Anyway, I thought I would show you my "flat shot" of my running gear for tomorrow.  I saw this idea on Moms Run This Town's Facebook page last week and thought it was a cute idea.

For my electronics, I have my Garmin Forerunner 205, my iPod shuffle (thanks to my friend, Mary!) and my insulin pump.  The pink shirt is what I'll be wearing, but the grey shirt is the official shirt and I'm taking it with me to change into after the race.  If I make it that far :)