Christmas is Coming!
>> Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christmas will be here before you know it! I don't have my Christmas shopping finished, and I don't usually participate in Black Friday shopping because we are usually out of town. This year, we stayed in the Cincinnati area, but I wasn't one of the crazy people who stayed up all night or got up really early. I did go to a couple stores on Black Friday, but it wasn't until after lunch and I only hit a couple of stores that were not in major shopping areas. I was pleasantly surprised that the things I went for were still in stock and that the stores weren't crazy-busy with people. I think I timed it right!
Anyway, I just love the Target commercials this time of year. Hallmark commercials make me cry. New car commercials just irk me for some reason. But the Target ones just crack me up. Here's my favorite one for the year. Probably because when we were kids, we liked to press all the buttons on the singing toys and then quickly exit the aisle. I'm sure the workers hated us. :)