2012 Goals
>> Sunday, January 1, 2012
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Happy New Year! I can't believe that 2012 is here already. 2011 was a good year for us as a family and I'm looking forward to what this new year has to bring!
Since it's now the new year with a new start, I thought I would post my goals for this next year. I posted a while ago about how to go about goal setting. To be a goal, it has to have 5 elements:
· Be specific
· Be measurable
Have a time limit
Be yours (aka, something you want to do, not something someone else wants you to do)
· Be in writing
Personally, I have 5 different areas that I like to make goals for, so I thought I would share my goal for each area for 2012:
spiritual goal: Read through the Bible in 90 Days, starting January 1 & ending March 31. I did this in 2010 and it was the first time I had ever read through the entire Bible!
health/body goal: Complete the Flying Pig 10k on Saturday, May 5 & the Little Miami Triathlon on Sunday, June 3. I would also like to lose some of the baby weight I've accumulated over 3 pregnancies, but I'm going to focus more on being healthy than actual numbers on a scale.
financial goals: Complete Baby Step #3 by July 1 (fully funded emergency fund of 6 months expenses), start on Baby Steps #4 and 5 (investing for retirement and college funds for the kids). We've been working the Dave Ramsey plan for a couple years now and excited to go to the next level and then start paying off the house! My long-term goal is to have the house paid off before I'm 40, so we have a max of 12 years from now to get rid of the mortgage.
family goal: take a vacation! This doesn't seem like a true "goal", but this will be the first year ever that Steve gets more than 1 week of vacation! We have never taken an actual vacation with the kids (other than our trip to Louisville, but it was actually a work conference for Steve), so I'm excited to do some exploring with the kids!
business goal: Limit bookings to no more than 7 wedding cakes for the
year...I need more time with the kids!!!