Translation, please!
>> Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tyler (our almost 4 year old) has been saying some funny things lately and I thought I would put them down along with the translation to help us remember them. Oh, and just in case you ever need help translating what a 2 or 3 year old is saying, this list might come in handy for you as well....
Said to daddy: "Are your tail noses pink?"
Translation: "Are you toe nails pink?" because he just watched me paint my toes.
Said to mommy: "Can you see my crack butt?"
Translation: "Can you see my butt crack?" because he has no butt and I have to constantly tell him to pull his pants up.
Said to both of us: "Can we go to the yellow eater?"
Translation: "Can we eat lunch at Subway?" because there is a subway on our way to church and he decided he wanted to eat there for some reason.
Said in the car: "I want to eat at the circle res-er-naught"
Translation: "I want to eat at Burger King" because obviously BK is the only place with a circle logo.
Said to his brother: "I'm a yogurt!"
Translation: "I'm an Ogre" because he just watched a Shrek video :)
Said to anyone who will listen: "I farted on my tongue!" while giggling...
Translation: "I burped" and because he's a boy, this is absolutely hilarious :)
Said to daddy: "I wanna play wee-wee."
Translation: "I want to play wii" but pretty embarrassing when he says this in public!
Said in the car: "I want to go to candyland."
Translation: "I want to go to Kings Island" because we drive by it on the way to the doctors appointments.
Said to both of us: "Nylart"
Us: "Tyler, what does nylart mean?"
Tyler: "Boinkies and Roxie Rocks"
Translation: Who knows!
I love this kid! He constantly makes life interesting!