I'm embarrassed to show you these pictures of my mess, but I will anyway. I think I've said before, but we moved into a 2 bedroom apartment in July until the house we are building is finished (hopefully April). We've done pretty well, considering the huge decrease in square footage. But finding space for all of our stuff is a big challenge, even though most of it is in storage or in our garage. We left most of our furniture in the house we are trying to sell now. We had this old entertainment center in our basement and it housed a tv I watched while on the treadmill. We decided since it was small and pretty light, we would just use it until we moved into the new house. It was super ugly, and the glass on the door had broken a few years ago.

First I took off all the doors, shelves, etc. Then I painted with 2 layers of a Martha Stewart paint. (I was trying to do it pretty fast and I don't intend to keep it very long; otherwise I would have used a primer first). Let the paint dry completely between coats. Next I brushed the entire thing with a metallic glaze (also a Martha Stewart product from Home Depot) and then wiped the glaze off with a damp cloth until I liked the amount of glaze left. Then I sanded all the edges and wiped them with a minwax stain to give more of a distressed, antique finish. I filled in the holes with wood putty and added some knobs. I also stapled some chicken wire inside of the door. My husband cut a board for the back for me also.
Overall, I thought it was a major improvement and it looks pretty cute in person. If you have interest in repainting a piece of furniture, there are some great resources available. Searching pinterest for "repainting furniture" or "refinishing furniture" should get you started.